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Photo: Alex Schröder


Research activity - selected publications

Doctoral dissertation

- Inês de Avena Braga: Dolce Napoli: Approaches for performance. Recorders for the Neapolitan Baroque repertoire, 1695–1759 (Doctoral Thesis), Leiden University (2015).



- Inês d’Avena, Claudio Ribeiro: “Eine neu entdeckte, Vivaldi zugeschriebene Blockflötensonate. Überlegungen zur Urheberschaft”, Tibia: Portal für Holzbläser (June 2023).

- Inês de Avena Braga, Claudio Ribeiro: “A newly discovered recorder sonata attributed to Vivaldi: considerations on authorship”, Recercare, vol. 33 (Summer, 2021), pp. 121-161.

- Inês d’Avena: Die Blockflöte in Neapel 1695–1759, Tibia: Magazin für Holzbläser, anno 44/3 (2019), pp. 483-501. 

- Inês d’Avena: “O óbvio precisa ser dito: flautas com furos simples, a variedade de dedilhados no período barroco e a afinação de semitons desiguais”, lab.flauta (July 2018).

- Inês de Avena Braga: Three Castel recorders: Rome, Edinburgh and especially Nice, Recercare, v. XXV/1-2, 2013, pp. 75-93.

- Inês de Avena Braga: The Panormo Alto Recorder: a Dolce Flauto Dolce?”, Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society, Volume XXXVIII (2012), pp. 34-46.


Book and CD-reviews

- Inês d’Avena: The Why of Recording”, Music + Practice, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1 (2013).



- Program notes CD Lemniscate, Ramée, RAM 2208 (2023)

- Program notes CD Anonimo Venexian, Ramée, RAM 1905 (2019)

- Program notes CD Chameleon, Ramée, RAM 1904 (2019)

- Program notes CD Naples 1759, Passacaille, PAS 1013 (2015).

- Program notes CD Dolce Napoli: sonate & concerti per flauto, Passacaille, PAS 1007 (2015).


Conference presentations

Trills under the magnifying glass: their use, notation and execution”, Look Again Early Music Seminar (2021)

Inês d'Avena © 2025

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